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=Package Insert (in English)=
=Package Insert (in English)=
Package inserts for Kampo prescriptions
Package inserts for Kampo prescriptions

Latest revision as of 10:40, 24 January 2011

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[edit] Package Insert (in English)

Package inserts for Kampo prescriptions compiled by Japan Pharmaceutical Reference (日本製薬工業協会).

Description, Indication, and Caution of Kampo Prescriptions
by JPR (日本製薬工業協会)
Our Page
TSUMURA Anchusan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Anchusan (安中散)
TSUMURA Bakumondoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Bakumondoto (麦門冬湯)
TSUMURA Bofutsushosan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Bofutsushosan (防風通聖散)
TSUMURA Boiogito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Boiogito (防已黄耆湯)
TSUMURA Bukuryoin Extract Granules for Ethical Use Bukuryoin (茯苓飲)
TSUMURA Bukuryoingohangekobokuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Bukuryoingohangekobokuto (茯苓飲合半夏厚朴湯)
TSUMURA Byakkokaninjinto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Byakkokaninjinto (白虎加人参湯)
TSUMURA Chikujountanto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Chikujountanto (竹如温胆湯)
TSUMURA Choijokito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Choijokito (調胃承気湯)
TSUMURA Choreito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Choreito (猪苓湯)
TSUMURA Chotosan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Chotosan (釣藤散)
TSUMURA Daikenchuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Daikenchuto (大建中湯)
TSUMURA Daiobotampito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Daiobotampito (大黄牡丹皮湯)
TSUMURA Daiokanzoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Daiokanzoto (大黄甘草湯)
TSUMURA Daisaikoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Daisaikoto (大柴胡湯)
TSUMURA Eppikajutsuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Eppikajutsuto (越婢加朮湯)
TSUMURA Gokoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Gokoto (五虎湯)
TSUMURA Goreisan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Goreisan (五苓散)
TSUMURA Gorinsan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Gorinsan (五淋散)
TSUMURA Goshajinkigan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Goshajinkigan (牛車腎気丸)
TSUMURA Goshakusan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Goshakusan (五積散)
TSUMURA Goshuyuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Goshuyuto (呉茱萸湯)
TSUMURA Hachimijiogan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Hachimijiogan (八味地黄丸)
TSUMURA Hainosankyuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Hainosankyuto (排膿散及湯)
TSUMURA Hangebyakujutsutemmato Extract Granules for Ethical Use Hangebyakujutsutemmato (半夏白朮天麻湯)
TSUMURA Hangekobokuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Hangekobokuto (半夏厚朴湯)
TSUMURA Hangeshashinto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Hangeshashinto (半夏瀉心湯)
TSUMURA Heiisan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Heiisan (平胃散)
Kracie Hochuekkito Extract Fine Granules Hochuekkito (補中益気湯)
TSUMURA Hochuekkito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Hochuekkito (補中益気湯)
TSUMURA Inchingoreisan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Inchingoreisan (茵蔯五苓散)
TSUMURA Ireito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Ireito (胃苓湯)
TSUMURA Jidabokuippo Extract Granules for Ethical Use Jidabokuippo (治打撲一方)
TSUMURA Jiinkokato Extract Granules for Ethical Use Jiinkokato (滋陰降火湯)
TSUMURA Jiinshihoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Jiinshihoto (滋陰至宝湯)
TSUMURA Jinsoin Extract Granules for Ethical Use Jinsoin (参蘇飲)
TSUMURA Jizusoippo Extract Granules for Ethical Use Jizusoippo (治頭瘡一方)
TSUMURA Jumihaidokuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Jumihaidokuto (十味敗毒湯)
TSUMURA Junchoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Junchoto (潤腸湯)
TSUMURA Juzentaihoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Juzentaihoto (十全大補湯)
TSUMURA Kakkonto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Kakkonto (葛根湯)
TSUMURA Kakkontokasenkyushin'i Extract Granules for Ethical Use Kakkontokasenkyushin'i (葛根湯加川芎辛夷)
TSUMURA Kambakutaisoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Kambakutaisoto (甘麦大棗湯)
TSUMURA Kamikihito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Kamikihito (加味帰脾湯)
TSUMURA Kamishoyosan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Kamishoyosan (加味逍遥散)
TSUMURA Keigairengyoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keigairengyoto (荊芥連翹湯)
TSUMURA Keihito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keihito (啓脾湯)
TSUMURA Keishibukuryogan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keishibukuryogan (桂枝茯苓丸)
TSUMURA Keishibukuryogankayokuinin Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keishibukuryoganryokayokuinin (桂枝茯苓丸料加薏苡仁)
TSUMURA Keishikajutsubuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keishikajutsubuto (桂枝加朮附湯)
TSUMURA Keishikaryukotsuboreito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keishikaryukotsuboreito (桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯)
TSUMURA Keishikashakuyakudaioto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keishikashakuyakudaioto (桂枝加芍薬大黄湯)
TSUMURA Keishikashakuyakuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keishikashakuyakuto (桂枝加芍薬湯)
TSUMURA Keishininjinto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keishininjinto (桂枝人参湯)
TSUMURA Keishito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Keishito (桂枝湯)
TSUMURA Kihito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Kihito (帰脾湯)
TSUMURA Kikyoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Kikyoto (桔梗湯)
TSUMURA Kososan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Kososan (香蘇散)
TSUMURA Makyokansekito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Makyokansekito (麻杏甘石湯)
TSUMURA Makyoyokukanto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Makyoyokukanto (麻杏薏甘湯)
TSUMURA Mashiningan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Mashiningan (麻子仁丸)
TSUMURA Nichinto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Nichinto (二陳湯)
TSUMURA Nijutsuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Nijutsuto (二朮湯)
TSUMURA Ninjinto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Ninjinto (人参湯)
Kracie Ninjin'yoeito Extract Fine Granules Ninjin'yoeito (人参養栄湯)
TSUMURA Ninjin'yoeito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Ninjin'yoeito (人参養栄湯)
TSUMURA Ogikenchuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Ogikenchuto (黄耆建中湯)
TSUMURA Orengedokuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Orengedokuto (黄連解毒湯)
TSUMURA Orento Extract Granules for Ethical Use Orento (黄連湯)
TSUMURA Otsujito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Otsujito (乙字湯)
TSUMURA Processed Bushi Powder for Ethical Dispensing Processed_Bushi_Powder (ブシ末)
TSUMURA Rikkunshito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Rikkunshito (六君子湯)
TSUMURA Rokumigan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Rokumigan (六味丸)
TSUMURA Ryokankyomishingeninto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Ryokankyomishingeninto (苓甘姜味辛夏仁湯)
TSUMURA Ryokeijutsukanto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Ryokeijutsukanto (苓桂朮甘湯)
TSUMURA Ryutanshakanto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Ryutanshakanto (竜胆瀉肝湯)
TSUMURA Saibokuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Saibokuto (柴朴湯)
TSUMURA Saikanto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Saikanto (柴陥湯)
TSUMURA Saikokaryukotsuboreito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Saikokaryukotsuboreito (柴胡加竜骨牡蛎湯)
TSUMURA Saikokeishikankyoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Saikokeishikankyoto (柴胡桂枝乾姜湯)
TSUMURA Saikokeishito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Saikokeishito (柴胡桂枝湯)
TSUMURA Saikoseikanto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Saikoseikanto (柴胡清肝湯)
Kracie Saireito Extract Fine Granules Saireito (柴苓湯)
TSUMURA Saireito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Saireito (柴苓湯)
TSUMURA Sansoninto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Sansoninto (酸棗仁湯)
TSUMURA Seijobofuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Seijobofuto (清上防風湯)
TSUMURA Seishinrenshiin Extract Granules for Ethical Use Seishinrenshiin (清心蓮子飲)
TSUMURA Seishoekkito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Seishoekkito (清暑益気湯)
TSUMURA Senkyuchachosan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Senkyuchachosan (川芎茶調散)
TSUMURA Shakanzoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shakanzoto (炙甘草湯)
TSUMURA Shakuyakukanzoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shakuyakukanzoto (芍薬甘草湯)
TSUMURA Shichimotsukokato Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shichimotsukokato (七物降下湯)
TSUMURA Shigyakusan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shigyakusan (四逆散)
TSUMURA Shikunshito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shikunshito (四君子湯)
TSUMURA Shimbuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shimbuto (真武湯)
TSUMURA Shimotsuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shimotsuto (四物湯)
TSUMURA Shin'iseihaito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shin'iseihaito (辛夷清肺湯)
TSUMURA Shiunko Ointment Shiunko (紫雲膏)
TSUMURA Shofusan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shofusan (消風散)
TSUMURA Shohangekabukuryoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shohangekabukuryoto (小半夏加茯苓湯)
TSUMURA Shokenchuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shokenchuto (小建中湯)
TSUMURA Shomakakkonto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shomakakkonto (升麻葛根湯)
Kracie Shosaikoto Extract Fine Granules Shosaikoto (小柴胡湯)
TSUMURA Shosaikoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shosaikoto (小柴胡湯)
TSUMURA Shosaikotokakikyosekko Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shosaikotokakikyosekko (小柴胡湯加桔梗石膏)
TSUMURA Shoseiryuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Shoseiryuto (小青竜湯)
TSUMURA Shuchibushi Powder N for Ethical Dispensing Shuchibushi_Powder_N (修治ブシ末N)
TSUMURA Sokeikakketsuto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Sokeikakketsuto (疎経活血湯)
TSUMURA Tokakujokito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Tokakujokito (桃核承気湯)
TSUMURA Tokiinshi Extract Granules for Ethical Use Tokiinshi (当帰飲子)
TSUMURA Tokishakuyakusan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Tokishakuyakusan (当帰芍薬散)
TSUMURA Tokishigyakukagoshuyushokyoto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Tokishigyakukagoshuyushokyoto (当帰四逆加呉茱萸生姜湯)
TSUMURA Tokito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Tokito (当帰湯)
TSUMURA Tsudosan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Tsudosan (通導散)
TSUMURA Unkeito Extract Granules for Ethical Use Unkeito (温経湯)
TSUMURA Unseiin Extract Granules for Ethical Use Unseiin (温清飲)
TSUMURA Yokuininto Extract Granules for Ethical Use Yokuininto (薏苡仁湯)
TSUMURA Yokukansan Extract Granules for Ethical Use Yokukansan (抑肝散)
TSUMURA Yokukansankachimpihange Extract Granules for Ethical Use Yokukansankachimpihange (抑肝散加陳皮半夏)
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