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Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.

Sai-ki-bang (Marma - -)

name Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
Local Name Sai-ki-bang
Tribe (Info) Marma
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used -
Ailment The bark is used for toothache, loosening of tooth, and for lesions within the mouth or around the tooth.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Naindrachen-a (Chak - -)

name Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
Local Name Naindrachen-a
Tribe (Info) Chak
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf, fruit
Ailment Anthelmintic, anti-vomiting, respiratory problems in children, lung disorders. The fruits are taken as anthelmintic and anti-vomiting. Young leaves are warmed and juice squeezed from the warm leaves are taken or massaged in the chest as remedy for respiratory problems in children and lung disorders.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Nan-dera-bong (Rakhain - -)

name Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
Local Name Nan-dera-bong
Tribe (Info) Rakhain
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf
Ailment Helminthiasis, jaundice. Three leaves are taken, cut into small pieces and soaked in a glass of water for 12 hours. The water is next strained through a cloth. Two teaspoon full of the water is given twice daily to children, and three teaspoon full of water is taken thrice daily by adults for 3-5 days.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Am-toi (Tripura - -)

name Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
Local Name Am-toi
Tribe (Info) Tripura
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf, fruit
Ailment Anthelmintic, anti-bacterial, urinary problems, stimulate appetite. 1. Young fruits are taken as anthelmintic. 2. Ripe fruits are taken for appetite stimulation and urinary problems. 3. A combination of leaf and fruit juice is considered anti-bacterial.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Anogeissus acuminata Wall.?

Naindra-bang (Marma - -)

name Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
Local Name Naindra-bang
Tribe (Info) Marma
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used -
Ailment The top portion of young leaf is given during pneumonia, asthma, and respiratory problems.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.
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