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The list of original commands implemented on the server.




Output <wbr> of HTML

Parser Functions

  • Arguments written without default values are required.

data structure

{{#car:str|separator=' '(space)}}

car in Lisp
e.g. {{#car:a;b;c;d;e|;}} => a

{{#cdr:str|separator=' '(space)}}

cdr in Lisp
e.g. {{#cdr:a;b;c;d;e|;}} => b;c;d;e

{{#cadr:str|separator=' '(space)}}

cadr in Lisp
e.g. {{#cadr:a;b;c;d;e|;}} => b

{{#cddr:str|separator=' '(space)}}

cddr in Lisp
e.g. {{#cddr:a;b;c;d;e|;}} => c;d;e

{{#caddr:str|separator=' '(space)}}

caddr in Lisp
e.g. {{#caddr:a;b;c;d;e|;}} => c

{{#cdddr:str|separator=' '(space)}}

cdddr in Lisp
e.g. {{#cdddr:a;b;c;d;e|;}} => d;e

{{#nth:str| num |separator=' '(space)}}

nth in Lisp
e.g. {{#nth:a;b;c;d;e|3|;}} => c


Returns intersection of two (return-code separated) lists.
4}} => 1 4


Returns union of two (return-code separated) lists.
4}} => 1 2 3 4


Define a variable valid only inside the page.
e.g. {{#def:i|1}} => i=1


Get variable value
e.g. {{#var:i}} => 1

{{#choose:line1 \n line2 \n lin3...|string}}

e.g. {{#choose:abc1
1234|1}} => abc1


string functions


Returns a substring. Japanese ok.
e.g. {{#substring:Hello world|1}} => "ello world"
e.g. {{#substring:Hello world|1|4}} => "ell"


Remove white space before and after str. (Deletes \n, \r, \t, \v, \0)
e.g. {{#trim:abc(\n)}} => abc


e.g. {{#trimex:a bc def(\n)}} => abcdef


Returns the length. Japanese ok.
e.g. {{#length:Hello world}} => 11


Returns the occurrence of pattern. Japanese ok.
e.g. {{#count:abcabcabca|a}} => 4

{{#indexOf:str|pattern=' '(space)|offset=0}}

Returns the first matching index of the pattern. To specify a space, use &#160;.
e.g. {{#indexOf:Hello world|wor}} = 6
e.g. {{#indexOf:Hello world}} = 5

{{#lastIndexOf:str|pattern=' '(space)}}

Returns the last matching index of the pattern. To specify a space, use &#160;.
e.g. {{#lastIndexOf:abc abc abc|abc}} = 8
e.g. {{#lastIndexOf:abc abc abc}} = 7

{{#isdigit: str|yes|no}}

Returns yes if str is digit, otherwise no.
e.g. {{#isdigit:1234567890|This is digit|This is not digit}} => This is digit
e.g. {{#isdigit:123abc456|This is not alphanumeric|This is alphanumeric}} => This is alphanumeric


Returns yes if str is alphanumeric, otherwise no.
e.g. {{#isalnum:123abc456|This is alphanumeric|This is not alphanumeric}} => This is alphanumeric
e.g. {{#isalnum:*123abc456*|This is alphanumeric|This is not alphanumeric}} => This is not alphanumeric


Replace all occurrences of 'pattern1' into 'pattern2'. To specify a space and vertical bar, use & #160; and & #124;, respectively.
e.g. {{#replace:abcdefghi|def|123}} => abc123ghi
e.g. {{#replace:a b c d|&#160;|1}} => a1b1c1d


:Return code
e.g. {{#cr:}} =>



Vertical bar
e.g. {{#bar:}} => |


Insert<wbr>every width characters.
e.g. {{#forcedBR:123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890|10}} => 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890


e.g. {{#encode:a%b#c!d=e}} => %61%25%62%23%63%21%64%3D%65


e.g. {{#decode:%61%25%62%23%63%21%64%3D%65}} => a%b#c!d=e


strをnum回 繰り返した文字列を返します。
e.g. {{#createstring:abc|3}} => abcabcabc

flow and IO controls


Repeatedly call the template of argc arguments until the argument list argl depletes. The argl is separated by separator.
To use a space for separator, use &#160;. The vertical bar | cannot be used.
e.g. {{#repeat:template|3|a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i|,}} => {{template|a|b|c}}{{template|d|e|f}}{{template|g|h|i}}


Repeatedly call the template of argc arguments until the argument list argl depletes. The argl is separated by separator.
To use a space for separator, use &#160;. The vertical bar | cannot be used.
e.g. {{#repeatnum:template|3|a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i|,}} => {{template|1=a|2=b|3=c}}{{template|1=d|2=e|3=f}}{{template|1=g|2=h|3=i}}


e.g. {{#repeat:template|3|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i}} => {{template|a|b|c}}{{template|d|e|f}}{{template|g|h|i}}


Returns the link to the file which exists under path from DOCUMENT_ROOT
e.g. {{#ifexistfile:/index.html}} => index.html


Checks whether the specified page exists. Different from the original 'ifexist' command, it does not check the visible contents in the page.
e.g. {{#ifexists:Image:KOX00002.png|true|false}} => true


Returns HTML code to show the java applet. Parameters can be delimited by ';'.
e.g. {{#javaWithParam:Main.class|Main.jar|.|100|100|data=123;id=java}} =>
<object codebase="." code="Main.class" archive="Main.jar" width="100" height="100">
<param name="data" value="123">
<param name="id" value="java">


Execute lua program. Arg is accessible with stdin. No io, debug, package, os classes.
e.g. {{#lua:print(stdin)|abc}} => abc


Returns the data sent by get/post.
e.g. {{#get:data}} => abcdef


Returns HTML tag with arg, and with between string. It accepts only "form, textarea, select, option, optgroup, fieldset, legend, label, input".
The form can perform post method only.
e.g. {{#formtag:input|type="submit"}} => <input type="submit">
e.g. {{#formtag:form|action="-"|...}} => <form action="-" method="post">...</form>

2008/12/4 {{#tag:}}から{{#formtag:}}に変更しました。


Generate graph by jpgraph.

pie, pie3d, line, hvar, hgbar, vbar, vgbar.
position in the range 0<=x<1. (Left upper corner is 0 and right lower corner is 1.)
labels for x-axis
name = comma separated values

e.g.{{#graph:vbar|size=300x300;title=test;legend=0x0;label=a,b,c,d,e,f,g;data1=10,34,20,10,33,23,40}} =>

Database searches

{{#searchLine: str |namespace='Main'|pagename=''}}

Output all matching lines from page pagename in namespace.
Title head and tail, any single character and multiple characters can be specified by ^ and $, _ and %, respectively.
Resulting lines has &&pagename at the beginning of the line.
The search is against the wiki source code in edit mode and is case sensitive.
e.g. {{#searchLine:sandbox|Main|Sandbox}} =>

{{#searchTitle: str |namespace='Main'}}

Output all matching titles of pages in namespace.
Title head and tail, any single character and multiple characters can be specified by ^ and $, _ and %, respectively.
The search is case sensitive.
e.g. {{#searchTitle:Sandbox.|Main}} => Sandbox/abbrev

Sandbox/orderList Sandbox00 Sandbox000 Sandbox0000 Sandbox0001 Sandbox0002 Sandbox001 Sandbox11 Sandbox111 Sandbox123 Sandbox13 Sandbox15 Sandbox2 Sandbox3 Sandbox33 Sandbox34 Sandbox4 Sandbox40 Sandbox5 Sandbox51 Sandbox52 Sandbox6 Sandbox7 Sandbox80 Sandbox88 Sandbox90 Sandbox91 Sandbox92 Sandbox93 Sandbox94 Sandbox95 Sandbox96 Sandbox98 Sandbox99 SandboxS Sandbox_JDXCompress

2008/12/4 like検索からregexp検索に変更しました。正規表現の対応は以下の通りです。
| → ~
ex. abc(d1|d2)ef[123]g → abc(d1~d2)ef<123>g

{{#countLine: str |namespace='Main'|pagename=''}}

:Count all matching lines from page pagename in namespace.
Title head and tail, any single character and multiple characters can be specified by ^ and $, _ and %, respectively.
The search is against the wiki source code in edit mode and is case sensitive.
e.g. {{#countLine:FL1}} => 0

{{#countTitle: str |namespace='Main'}}

Count all matching titles of pages in namespace.
Title head and tail, any single character and multiple characters can be specified by ^ and $, _ and %, respectively.
The search is case sensitive.
e.g. {{#countTitle:FL1}} => 690


e.g. {{#clink:FL}} => FL

Category:FL1 Category:FL2 Category:FL3 Category:FL4 Category:FL5 Category:FL6 Category:FL7 Category:FLI Category:FLN Category:FLT Index:FL

MOL data


Output formula of the MOL file corresponding to the page title.
By specifying id, the target MOL file(s) can be changed. "&&MOL filename&&" will be appended to the returned results.
You can use restricted regular expressions (^$*.[] only) in specifying id.

e.g. {{#formula:FL1A19}} => {{#formula:FL1A19}}


Output average mass of the MOL file corresponding to the page title. The usage of id is the same as {{#formula:}}.
e.g. {{#avemass:FL1A19}} => {{#avemass:FL1A19}}


Output exact mass of the MOL file corresponding to the page title. The usage of id is the same as{{#formula:}}.
e.g. {{#extmass:FL1A19}} => {{#extmass:FL1A19}}


Output SMILES of the MOL file corresponding to the page title. The usage of id is the same as{{#formula:}}.
e.g. {{#smiles:FL1A19}} => {{#smiles:FL1A19}}


{{#clink: pagename}}

Obtain the list of pages linked to the Category page.

Parse Extensions

Volatile page [[Volatile:pagename|arg1|arg2|...|linkname]]

A page in the Volatile namespace is not cached and is always dynamically generated. A volatile page has the same format as MediaWiki's 'template' and is internal-linked from other pages with arguments.
The given arguments will replace {{{X}}} contents in the target volatile page. Their correspondence is {{{1}}}=arg1, {{{2}}}=arg2 and so on. You may specify argument name {{{ID}}} as[[Volatile:pagename|ID=arg1|linkname]].

Persist Page {{#persist:pagename|button_title|template name|number of args|args|separator=;}}

A page in the Persist namespace is always dynamically generated. The page itself has no content.

Special Pages



Modification of search function
  • case independent
  • '_' matches any letter
  • '%' matches any string

Existing Extensions Installed







Original Extensions

Personal tools
